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The Master of Divinity is a professional minister's degree. it is designed to provide a high degree of competency in biblical knowledge, refinement of research skills, and personal professional development. the degree prepares one for increased effectiveness in professional pastoral ministry and further study at the doctoral level. The M. Div. degree is considered the minimum educational credential for teaching biblical and theological subjects at accredited seminaries and Bible schools. The student must complete a minimum of 102 units of graduate study, 3 years beyond the Bachelor's degree or 1 year beyond the M. A. degree.​


All applicants must hold a Bachelor's degree in Bible or Theology, a Bachelor of Ministry degree, or its academic equivalent in order to enter the Master's Degree program. Students with either baccalaureate or theological deficiencies may be admitted into the program on a provisional basis, but will be required to complete up to 30 quarter units of pre-seminary study. in addition to the required units:

  1. The applicant must have a 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale. students not meeting this requirement will be placed on probation if accepted into the program. Graduate students transferring units from unaccredited colleges will be granted provisional acceptance into the program, except that a waiver of this requirement may be made if their grade point average is 3.0 or higher.

  2. Students who have not taken Greek may take beginning Greek at CITS with credit being granted toward graduation.

  3. All applicants must submit a written statement outlining their vocational objectives and how the degree might relate to those objectives.


  1. Formation of Christian Character

  2. Development of Faithful Ministry Skills

  3. Growth in Christian Spirituality

  4. Deepening Biblical Knowledge and Theology

The student must present an acceptable Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor or Master of Ministry or Divinity degree. They must have maintained at least a 3.0 average in their Ministry or Divinity Program and have completed at least eight semester hours of Greek and twelve semester hours of Hebrew, four of which may be Aramaic.​

applicants who are deficient in the biblical language may take the pre-requistes at CITS while taking other M. Div. courses, but such deficiencies must be made up before more than 18 units in other subjects may be taken.

Divinity degrees presented from non-accredited seminaries and theological schools are individually evaluated. Deficiencies discerned in such cases may be made up by course work at CITS or other accredited institutions.

Students must also have the personal qualifications necessary for a minister of Christ, including promise of future usefulness. They must be spiritually qualified by providing evidence of a born-again experience and a consistent Christian manner of life.

Graduates of other seminaries must file a full application with the office of admissions and records. All applicants are required to submit a statement of one or two double-spaced typewritten pages explaining their career goals and personal objectives in seeking M. Div. training.


Character Formation           12 units

Ministry (Required)              15 units

Christian Spirituality            12 units

Bible and Theology              60 units

畢業論文                                   3 units

TOTAL                                  102 units


The student will be assigned an academic advisor during the thesis seminar portion of study. The student will be required to prepare a 75 pages thesis covering Old and New Testament theology. The thesis must be submitted by early January or late May prior to graduation. Upon completion and acceptance of the thesis, the student will receive a certificate.

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