Complete Your Form Accurately
All forms submitted to California International Theological Seminary must be completed in English, and foreign language translations of forms are to be used only as an aid to inform limited English proficient and non-English speaking persons.
You are encouraged to fill in form electronically whenever possible, keeping the font size and spacing consistent. If you hand write your answers, use black or blue ink. Make sure that everything you write on the form is clear so the information you provided can be clearly read when we process your form.
Before you begin to fill in the blanks, read everything on the application carefully. After you complete the form, read it again to ensure no information is missing.
Remember to sign your form in the space provided for your signature. We will reject and return any unsigned form.
Supporting documentation
Submit the documents or evidence listed in the form instructions.
Supporting documents must be in English or accompanied by a complete English translation which the translator has certified as complete and accurate. The English translation must be accompanied by the translator’s certification that they are competent to translate from the foreign language into English.
Submit legible copies of official documents. Legible copies are copies that:
Are not blurry or faded;
Do not have streaks or toner lines;
Are not upside down, lopsided, skewed, or distorted;
Do not have text that is obscured or missing due to folded pages; and
Have pages that are completely illegible.
Do not send the original documents unless specifically requested in the form instructions or applicable regulations. If you send original documents with your form when not required or requested, CITS may destroy them in accordance with the Federal Records Act and applicable U.S. National Archives and Records Administration-approved general retention schedules. We will not return original documents to you automatically.
All forms and supporting documents submitted must be single-sided, standard 8½ x 11 letter-size pages.
Application Form
Others 其他